My Quest for Healthy Living-Part 1

Are you tired of being "sick and tired" all the time? Well, I got to the point where I needed to get to the root of why I was tired all the time and never felt right. I spent countless visits to doctors explaining my symptoms, searching the internet and asking nutrition specialists only to have most of the conventional doctors brush me off and roll their eyes thinking I was crazy. After a series of blood testing,  I noticed my liver enzymes were always extremely high with indications of liver disease. This perplexed my doctors since I was not a drinker of alcohol but only a few times a year, didn't eat fried foods or high fats, didn't take prescriptions and generally ate healthy and exercised.In my research, I realized the major role the body's liver was essential to many other systems in our body. The liver is like a filter for your body. Just like a car or furnace filter, if it is not cleaned it prevents air from passing through, pushing dirt(toxins) and causing the engine(our bodies) to work harder to function. The liver also regulates your hormones. Since I was having health issues such as; chronic fatigue, insulin issues, slowed metabolism, indications of malnutrition, adrenal fatigue, low thyroid, hypoglycemia, anemia and hormone imbalances, I felt the liver was the root of my problems. This all now made sense, if my liver is clogged and sluggish, how can my other organs function properly if the main "engine" is not.I proceeded to use various methods to cleanse my liver in addition to completely giving up alcohol and coffee. I used several herbs to support my liver during this process and continue to do so. Over the course of several months,  I noticed some improvement. I didn't feel as sluggish, my hormones were becoming more balanced and I even dropped some weight. I was so excited when I received my most recent blood work panel last week where my liver enzymes number cut in half and at a normal level. The wonderful news about the liver is it can regenerate itself and heal over time. We must take care of this vital organ for optimal healthy living. There is a great article on about the liver functions.images


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