Back to School

I love back to school time, however it can cause stress and anxiety for some. Goodbye to those lazy days of summer, the sleeping in or staying up later and the erratic schedules. I welcome the cooler weather and the routine. There is an excitement for new beginnings for anyone attending school or involved in academia. I teach part-time at a local college in the evenings and prefer the fall semester.  My students are refreshed and ready to start something new and I seem to have more committed students in the fall.What I notice about the fall season and back to school, is that my physical and mental body crave a consistent routine and a slowing down of the frenzy of activities that ensue our summer hours. The week school started, I began a consistent exercise schedule, an earlier wake-up time and earlier to bed routine and a more intentional time with God. I actual have more energy and feel like I can accomplish more when I'm on a schedule/routine.Many people don't like the word routine, it may bring to mind something boring or mundane. But if you think about it, whether you realize it or not, there are actions that everyone performs routinely. Do you have specific things you do to get ready for bed at night or certain things you do in the morning. For example, maybe you brush your teeth, shower, get dressed, check email, make breakfast/coffee, pack lunches, etc. We all have some type of routine in our daily lives that keeps us moving forward. Routine is the cycle and our bodies need it, this is especially true of children.So what routine in your life have you been missing or neglected over the summer that was beneficial to you in the past? What excuses are you using to avoid initiating this necessary routine in your life? I want to encourage you to listen to your inner longings. Is God calling you back to him? Have you neglected your physical body in exchange for more work, more money, or to serve your family? I'm not saying serving your family or others is bad, but when it is all consuming that you can't take care of yourself, then balance is lost. Besides, we can't fully give of ourselves if we are running on empty all the time. Trust me, I have been there.As Author Mason Currey of Daily Rituals: How Artists Work puts it, “A solid routine fosters a well-worn groove for one’s mental energies and helps stave off the tyranny of moods.”


My Quest for Healthy Living-Part 1


Summer Vacation Reflection