Crisis or Peace?

I don't care for the term "midlife crisis" because it denotes a negative connotation. When we hear that term, our minds often picture a man who is dating a 20 year old, driving a sports car or getting a motorcycle, going tanning and/or working out to get buff looking simply because they can't come to terms with getting older. Nowadays, if money allows, it's no different for women who get plastic surgery, botox, highlights, teeth whitening and hire a personal trainer so they can look like their teenage daughters. Both men and women fall prey to this notion of experiencing a midlife breakdown as though it is a rite of passage. The bottom line with this skewed worldview is we are believing the lies of the media that one must remain youthful in order to be accepted or to be successful. It all comes back to accepting where you are in your life and graciously living in that moment- not in the past or anxiously awaiting your future retirement days. Besides, if you have truly accepted where you are in your journey through the middle years of life, then you will obtain peace. The thesaurus says the opposite of "crisis" is; happiness, success, certainty, calm, blessing, benefit, breakthrough, solution and PEACE. I would like to exchange the phrase "midlife crisis" with "midlife peace" and place a positive view on this season of life that we all must pass through, if we are BLESSED to live that long.


Dress Your Age


Midlife Acceptance