The Pros and Cons of HIIT Training
HIIT Training is "High Intensity Interval Training" that combines short bouts of intense anaerobic periods with less intense lower thresholds and/or recovery periods. HIIT became popular in the 2010's but can date back to the 1970's with some athletes using this idea for running. Tabata, a form of HIIT, was developed by Izumi Tabata in 1996 for speed-skaters and resembles a version of high-intensity interval training that is still being modeled today.Personal Trainers utilize this technique a lot with a combination of cardio, strength, power and recovery periods. There are several specific workout establishments who promote their product strictly based on this practice such as many of the Boot Camp Studios, F45, Insanity, P90X, Orangetheory Fitness and parts of CrossFit include some HIIT. The general public is noticing that this type of training works.High Intensity Interval Training is a great way to burn fat, lose weight and sculpt muscle in a shorter amount of time. One can reap the benefits with only a 20 minute workout. Although, many of the fitness studios provide an hour long class at this intensity. A pro is most HIIT exercises or workouts can be adapted to the clients fitness level. A Con is, although MOST exercise can be adapted for fitness levels, such as walking instead of running for a cardio interval, individuals with orthopedic issues may find certain exercise options still painful or not possible.So, what could possibly be wrong with HIIT training? In my personal training experience, I have had numerous middle-aged women come to me frustrated because they are working out like a beast on a regular basis but haven't lost any weight and in some cases have gained weight. They also typically complain about being in pain and tired constantly. What I have noticed is women in their 40's and 50's who are experiencing a change in life or have hormonal imbalances (it is affecting some in their 30's as well), also have underlying thyroid and adrenal issues. Women's hormones, thyroid and adrenals are all connected and relate to the endocrine system.So what does all this have to do with high intensity interval training? If a woman's adrenals are already fatigued and their bodies are already producing high levels of cortisol due to stress, which is overworking the adrenals, HIIT exercise will only exacerbate the cycle. Women in this state of hormonal imbalance, elevated levels of stress, adrenal fatigue and low thyroid, will not necessarily benefit from too much HIIT workouts. The reason is, high intensity training of any kind puts the body under physical and psychological stress only adding to the other stress and causing cortisol levels to remain high, in turn causing the body to hold onto fat stores, especially around the stomach area.If you think this is you and sense this may be the reason HIIT is not working for you, then I suggest a few things. First, see your doctor to determine if treatment for your thyroid or hormones may be an option. I believe in utilizing an all natural approach to hormone balance first and foremost through nutrition, herbs and supplements. But get tested to understand your levels. Secondly, one must find ways to reduce the stress in their lives. Determine what works for you personally. Maybe you destress with leisurely walks, prayer, meditation, yoga, coloring or reading. Thirdly, give your body time to heal and practice self-care. Finally, if you want to continue high intensity interval training, I would reduce it to one day a week while doing other physical activities that support your body. Movement is important and staying active in a positive way according to your body's needs will benefit you more in the long run.I believe High Intensity Interval Training is a great tool and I utilize it for my own exercise regiment one day a week. However, it may not be for everyone. The best advice is to listen to your body and find an exercise regimen that you enjoy and can do consistently.[contact-form][contact-field label='Name' type='name' required='1'/][contact-field label='Email' type='email' required='1'/][contact-field label='Comment' type='textarea' required='1'/][/contact-form]