Finding Happiness
For quite some time now, I have been struggling with the lack of happiness in my life. So I decided a few months ago to search my inner most being to determine why I wasn't happy and how to "find" happiness. I even read about how other people found happiness.Society and my belief system would tell me I should not be unhappy for I am blessed. That is true, yet something deep inside me felt unfulfilled. I believe I was suffering from midlife "malaise". The mundane and stress of life had dragged me down.Maybe you have heard the saying that "Happiness is a choice" or it's determined by your attitude. I believe this is mostly true and can attest that changing how you approach, react, or view things can certainly bring a positive outcome-for yourself and others around you. But there was still something deeper missing for me.First, I identified some areas that I felt unhappy or unfulfilled. One particular area was my job at the time. I worked diligently to change this situation. Although I finally did get a much better job and it temporarily brought a renewed happiness, there was still something more. Most would agree that having a sense of purpose and being appreciated brings happiness, which many obtain through their jobs. However, having purpose and a sense of worth can be discovered in many facets of our lives.Next it was time to identifying what brings me joy and setting out and doing what makes me happy. For years I had a list of activities that I knew brought me happiness but had let the daily grind prevent me from actually doing any of them. Don't let life escape from your fingertips and you say "someday" or "when I retire". We don't know what tomorrow may bring- "Carpe Diem"! Make time for a passion of yours and make it a priority, not just "when you have extra time".As individuals we need other humans to connect, socialize and develop relationships. This is an area where I find surges of happiness, especially when it is with my close family and friends. In addition, by volunteering or simply helping others and spreading your love bring happiness to not only the receiver but to you as the giver. It feels good to do good!Cultivate your creativity to find happiness. "But I'm not creative" you may say. Ask yourself this question: "What did I like to do as a child?" Whatever you enjoyed doing at age 10 is probably something you enjoy now."All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". Make time to play, be silly and have fun! Leisure time is necessary in finding happiness and renewal of the body and mind. On a personal note, I find I am much happier when I get 7-8 hours of sleep and a day of true rest and relaxation over the weekend.Lastly and most importantly, if you have faith in God or a higher being, maintaining continued communion is essential to finding happiness and fulfillment in life. It is through this connection that we have a sense of greater purpose on this earth.
So if you find yourself unhappy, start by trying to determine why and then discover what makes you happy and do it! Or try some of the points above. Life is too short to be unhappy and grumpy. Laugh, Live and Love-Enjoy Life!